Re: legal case Ryan air

Naturally you are forgiven :-)

Actually I think there are some potentially interesting legal 
ramifications - if passing the cost of accessibility to the customer is 
found to be legal then it suggests a particular way to pay for what 
appeared to be already legally necessary accessibility improvements, at 
least in Australia and the UK.

But without providing some relevance to the topic of this list, which 
is  web accessibility, I would prefer not to have more mail than I 
already get. Fora for general discussion of accessibility law are 



On Tuesday, Dec 2, 2003, at 23:08 Australia/Melbourne, Paul Davis wrote:

> none really, but Freud would forgive the association of
> thought from Cynthia's posting. can you?
> err..please?
> earnest smiles 
> Paul
Charles McCathieNevile                          Fundación Sidar                      

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2003 07:33:00 UTC