Re: Web Accessibility Checker

Welcome Ralph,



----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 4:19 AM
Subject: Web Accessibility Checker

> Hi Everyone..
> This is my first post to this group.. So hello everyone :)
> I look after a few websites and currently in a project where I will be
> reviewing content on the websites and improving the usability and
> accessibility of our websites.
> One of the best practices I want to meet in this project is W3C's WAI
> initiative. I have checked W3C's WAI website and could not locate any
> tools/validators that can be used much like the X/HTML and CSS validators
> which are available. I am relatively new to WAI so sorry if I have missed
> something obvious.
> The best tools I have located so far has been the following URL, however,
> only checks against Priority 1 (A-Level) and wondering if there is
> that also checks Priority 2 at least, with Priority 3 checking a bonus.
> The URL I came across is
> Regards
> Ralph Mazzitelli

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2003 03:09:41 UTC