Re: link in new window debate

>   Could you please elaborate on the term "transformable content" ? I am
>   not familiar with it.

I think he's using his company's marketing term for the idea of having
a high level semantic description of the page that is transformed into
presentational HTML depending on the user.  One regular contributor
to this list, whose name escapes me (something like Kynn?) worked on
such a product, with an XML master version that was adapted -
I think they used edapta as the branding - for the user, server side.
The BBC's Betsie is somewhat similar.

Of course, this is failing to realise that the intended use of HTML
itself is as such a language!

Although I said semantic, it could be a framework that wraps up
various presentational options.

The nuance I sense is that the transformation should be done server
side.  That can be done with HTML and is, for example, done to produce
the PDF version of the HTML specification, but it means that you lose
the flexibility when you are offline.

From the business point of view, it has the advantage that the product
that does the transformation is sold in a business to business market.
The business to consumer market for for browser software is essentially
dead.  Also the content provider can limit the extent to which the
consumer can destroy their corporate identity etc.

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2003 02:19:51 UTC