Re: "Special message to website creators"

> But to open a link in a new browser window, you must add the
** "target=new" attribute in the <a href> tag.  It doesn't need to be
** specifically the word "new" - it can be "target=blank" or what have you.

There is a specific target, which might be _new (with a leading 
underscore) that always opens in a new window.  Otherwise the
browser will try to open in an existing window of the same name - 
windows are treated like detached frames, and suffer the same
inability to encode the complete screen state in a URL that framesets

The only special target I half remember is _top, which should *always*
be used when linking off site, as it replaces the whole nested set
of nested framesets with the contents from the new link.  (This does
assume that your lawyers/marketing people haven't insisted that you
start a new window in this case.)

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2003 17:47:07 UTC