Re: Using Frames - what problems do screen readers have?


> no problem if you know html,

Which we do.

> and say what you like, frames do slow a
> page down as the server rushes about it's hard drive building the pages when
> requested to do so. And the more you add the longer the process gets.

Initially they will be slow to load, but if well implemented once they are  
loaded they are a lot quicker to use because you are only loading elements of 
a page as opposed to the whole page, which is particularly attractive when 
dealing with a very 'feature rich' environment like an on line application.

> Most disabled people in the world that access the internet do not have Jaws,
> most disabled people in the world that access the internet do not have super
> fast state of the art computers.

Fortunately we know that the disabled people who would be using the system 
would be using screen reader software and hardware that is never likely to be 
more than two years old.

> Do you really want an accessible website or do you want to do the minimum to
> satisfy a piece of unintelligent software and grab the logo?

Not sure what you are on about here.


Julian Voelcker
Cirencester, United Kingdom

Received on Tuesday, 18 November 2003 04:00:30 UTC