Re: Redirection

> I suspect it doesn't show up that often because not that many people

I suspect the reasons include:

- most ? references are still implied through forms;
- many sites have their CGI areas blocked in robots.txt;
- most sites using non-trivial ? references in href attributes have broken
  URLs because they don't escape & properly or use the alternative of ; 
  suggested in an HTML specification appendix;
- there may be a tendency to use meta to inhibit caching on such pages.

I consider this particular, Cold Fusion, technique as an abuse of URLs
which, by confusing the mechanics of creating the HTML with the naming
of the resource, causes misoperation of things like proxies (Squid's
default rules are to send ? URLs direct to the origin, rather than to
an upstream cache, as it expects not to get a cachable resource back).

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2003 02:01:49 UTC