Speech browser compatibility with HTML

I had my first experience with a speech browser today - IBM's Homepage
Reader. We stumbled into a problem with tables. The page
<http://www.isolani.co.uk/articles/table/group9step6.html> is to my
understanding an accessible table. It uses the scope attribute to define the
relationship between table headers and data.

I was expecting the table to be read (from the first td):
 "Wales Games played 4, Wales Games won 4,..."
But it just read the table out one cell at a time in a linearised fashion. I
take it HPR doesn't make use of the scope attribute.

It got me thinking, is there a resource available on the web - similar to
the CSS browser compatibility grid (e.g.
ml ) - that details which accessibility aids each screen reader supports? Is
this info available in a form other than rolling up sleeves and running each
screen reader?


Received on Friday, 22 August 2003 00:06:22 UTC