Re: GIFs

Vincent Flanders wrote:
> I haven't examined every accessibility verification tool out there, but 
> it seems rather strange to me the ones I've looked at want me to 
> manually examine each GIF file for flicker. Even *I* know that it's 
> possible for a programmer to examine the contents of a GIF file and tell 
> if it's animated. Are there any accessibility tools out there that check 
> the GIFs for you and eliminate the ones that obviously aren't animated?

take a deep breath...

and head for the frontline:

$ find . -type f -iname "*.gif" -print0 | xargs --null --max-lines=1
identify | perl -nWe 'print "$1\n" if /(.*?)\[/;' | sort | uniq


that should produce a list of animated gif files.
you'll need a standard unix compliment (find, xargs, perl, sort, uniq)
and imagemagick (identify).

there's probably an easier way...

- p

Received on Friday, 28 March 2003 09:12:04 UTC