RE: A Dyslexic Perspective on e-Content Accessibility&In-Repl y-To=<>&References =<>

> > Better still to save the Word doc as html and then run it 
> through MS Office filter (assuming it's Word 2000) and Tidy then 
> put it up as a web page. That's what I do to Word documents and 
> it sorts them out good and proper :p
> > 
> > That said, if the original Word doc is marked up properly with 
> headings etc and contains no images won't the resulting pdf be OK 
> for screen readers? Please tell me if I'm wrong people.
> non windoze users cannot read pdf documents and many windoze users will
> not be able to read many pdf documents

All web users can read HTML...

Received on Thursday, 20 March 2003 18:53:04 UTC