Re: Joe Clark book review from pcpro

From: "Tim Roberts" <>
Subject: Re: Joe Clark book review from pcpro

> Is this list about:
> Accessibility?
> Mocking people who promote accessibility?
> Anti Joe Clarke?
> What a dumb thread this has really been.

If the impression of my post is that I am mocking Joe Clark, then I submit
my most humble apologies.
Joe Clark's book is an excellent and refreshing piece on accessibility. It
is a book I heartily recommend to anyone doing webdesign that is interested
in creating cutting edge accessible websites - heck anyone doing web
development should read this book. Even people who "get" accessibility that
suffer from others mis-labelling them as "academics" (that would be me).

There are a few minor glitches with the book, but none of it detracts from
the quality of Joe's work. And these are the only things picked up by the
original PCPro review.

Let me just be clear: I am a fan of this book, and Joe Clark has my utmost


Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2003 06:07:03 UTC