RE: 2 things at once

> Jon,
> Is there a way to follow 2 threads using HTML* without using a pop up?
> It seems to me there is not, and this might be a problem. Many
> interests involve activities that occur concurrently, cookery being one.
> mash potato is normally made whilst the mince is being prepared. Cooks
> flick between the two recipes.
> Given that our resources are full page photos of each step, and run to
> about 10-15 pages per recipe: the back button is not useful,

A few vague notions spring to mind (frames, mad complicated stuff with
layers) but before I even begin to consider how to implement these I run
into more accessibility problems.

I think I would recommend a fork in which you link to both the thread on
mashing the potatoes and the thread on preparing the mince. At the end of
each of those you could fork again, offering the choice of going to the
other thread, or continuing where the threads merge again.

That way the user has the choice of either following one thread and then the
other (which would probably be actually preferable if you were reading the
recipe beforehand rather than following it as you cook) or if they want, and
are capable of doing so, they could opt to open a new window for one of the
threads (you might even advise them to do so).

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 06:17:32 UTC