Re: list management

On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 02:36:09 +0930, Matthew Smith wrote:
> Liddy Nevile wrote:

> >Would others agree with me that it would be a GREAT help if this list 
> >always had its name in the subject line

> Yes - putting this sort of metadata into the subject line makes it much
> easier to create message filters

Which wouldn't do a lot of good when someone replied off list, keeping
the subject prefix. There are plenty of things in messages to w3c
mailing lists that are unique to each list, filter on those instead. I
use the List-Id header.

(The actual rule looking like this:)

* ^List-Id.*

> It would also be rather handy if replies to list mail went to the list
> rather than the original sender.

Try "Reply to all"

This isn't really on-topic for this list, but I can't find a more
appropriate place after browsing the lists section of Is there
a place for discussions of mailing list policy?

David Dorward                           
         Redesign in progress:
  Microsoft announces IE is dead (so upgrade):

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 05:03:00 UTC