Re: list management

Liddy Nevile wrote:
> Would others agree with me that it would be a GREAT help if this list 
> always had its name in the subject line - so the subject line read 
> something like: Re: [W3C-WAI-IG] title for the frame  ???
> Liddy
Yes - putting this sort of metadata into the subject line makes it much
easier to create message filters, especially for those subscribed to a
large number of lists.

It would also be rather handy if replies to list mail went to the list
rather than the original sender.  If I had a dollar for every time I've
had to re-send to the list, I could afford to hire someone to do my
e-mail for me ;-)  ** including this time! **



Matthew Smith
Kadina Business Consultancy
South Australia

Received on Monday, 23 June 2003 01:06:15 UTC