Re: Accessible portal registering solutions

On Tue, 22 Apr 2003, Pablo Enríquez wrote:

> I´m working in a web application which allows user
> registering, login and logout. I´m looking for a
> secure way for the register process, avoiding massive
> automatic registers via software.

You can't stop automated mass registrations.  All you can reasonably
do is make it sufficiently complex to deter likely attackers.

Probably the simplest solution is to generate an email message
containing a unique, automatically-generated registration key
as part of the registration process.  Anyone wanting to automate
that will have to parse your email, so if it happens you can
up the ante by adjusting - or randomising - the format of the mail.
So long as your email is easy for a *human* to read, you're accessible.

Nick Kew

In need of paying work -

Received on Tuesday, 22 April 2003 13:49:12 UTC