HiSoftware(r) Accessible Form Creator

Hello All,

In conjunction with our Education and Outreach efforts HiSoftware is
Releasing a new utility today: the HiSoftware Accessible Form Creator: This
new "No Charge" value added solution allows for wizard based creation of
accessible forms with Tables or CSS for Layout HTML or XHTML encoding.

The HiSoftware Accessible Form Creator allows you to create forms for web
sites containing all the additional markup required to make the forms
accessible under Section 508 standards and the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1-3

The HiSoftware Accessible Form Creator is intended to make creating
accessible forms easy, regardless of the skill of the developer. It is
designed for creating accessible HTML code related to the design,
appearance, accessibility and usability for the form. From there, a web
developer can then code the back-end functionality of the form, whether CGI
programs, FrontPage Extensions or other methods are used to get the form to
perform its actions. Please review the documentation for your web editing
programs, web server and other web technology you are using in order to
complete these "back-end" configurations.

If you own any HiSoftware Content Quality product from --> Cynthia Says up
the advanced Collaboration option is enabled and you can share form
templates throughout your organization. ---This is not required to use the

No Registration is required to download this new Accessible Form Creator,
Simply go to the following page to get the download link:

The Install includes both an Install and an Uninstall and has been tested to
be Virus free. Remember there is no charge for this, enjoy, we would
appreciate any feedback!  Also: It is anticipated there will be a spanish
language version within a month. If anyone is interested in any othe
translation please let us know.

Best Regards,

Rob Yonaitis
HiSoftware - http://www.hisoftware.com/co/yonaitis.htm

Competitive Upgrade - Upgrade from any Link Validation Utility to the
HiSoftware Web Site Monitor or Link Validation Utility and save 50%!

Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2003 16:31:49 UTC