Re: At Slashdot: Ask an Expert (sic) About Web Accessibility

> have no skin in the game. Tell them to design something, and you will 
> receive a minimally-conforming implementation of your design, and 
> nothing more. They will never learn HTML 4.01, CSS or accessible page 

Whilst most of what you say is probably true, this attitude is normally
considered a management virtue, and it is the technical people who have
to be kept from exceeding the literal specification.  This was particularly
true when (before HTML) I worked for a big software house, in which case
succcess on a fixed price contract depended on doing as little as possible
whilst still complying - their ISO 9000 definition was "compliance with 
specification", by which they meant comply with the specification but no

Received on Tuesday, 10 December 2002 01:55:12 UTC