MCU: accessible web design: web typography article.

New on the Making Connections Unit website: how to increase the
accessibility and readability of your web pages by making informed font

Topics include:

* The two roads to accessible web text.
* Why would you want to control the text on a Web page?
* Fonts and operating systems.
* A selection of 'safe to use' fonts.
* Why not use images instead?
* What is the best font to use for accessibility?

Read it at:

Your feedback is welcomed.

All the best,

Jim Byrne Project Director, The Making Connections Unit, Glasgow Caledonian
University, Glasgow G4 OBA, 0141 331 3893

Everything you need to know about publishing accessible information on the

Services: Website Accessibility Audits, Accessible Web design, Accessible
Website Management Training.

The Making Connections Unit:
Scottish Disability Information Mailing list:

Received on Thursday, 28 November 2002 09:38:24 UTC