Re: Question around WCAG 1.0

Jukka wrote:

>It's a difficult and intriguing question how far we should go in language
>markup. Should a proper name be indicated as being in a particular
>For proper names as well as other words, there's a continuous spectrum of
>adaptation to another language, ranging from purely "foreign expressions",
>like a casual occurrence of a foreign name or term, up to completely
>loanwords, often adapted through considerable changes in phonetics and
>spelling. And quite often the spelling is still foreign, although the
>pronunciation differs considerably from the original.

You bring up very good points here. As a native English speaker, a vast part
of my vocabulary is derived from other languages (hence the nightmare of
learning to spell correctly!). Most words I use are accepted as "proper"
English, even if perhaps they were borrowed quite recently from elsewhere
and may still be pronounced in a way that reflects their origin.

Perhaps less of a problem for pronunciation, but definitely for
understanding, can be different usages / grammar in UK and US English, for
example. I cannot even begin to think about how this might be tackled!

As language is a moving target (except in those countries with a strictly
controlled vocabulary), so will be the way we attempt to assist its

Lois Wakeman

Received on Thursday, 21 November 2002 09:13:33 UTC