Re: CSS optimised for different browsers

Hi John

> I'm aware that I've painted myself into an accessibility corner here, but
> I'm wondering whether it is possible to have the page load a simple default
> CSS, then somehow detect the browser and load the alternative CSS optimised
> for IE if applicable (and would that be an acceptably accessible solution)?.
> I don't have access to any server side technology. Can anyone advise ?

Do you have access to any server-side scripting (CGI)?  The usual way 
would be to do something in JavaScript, but I think that it's probably 
not wise to make the assumption that the client a) has it and b) it 
actually works as it's meant to; server-side scripting eliminates any 
dependency on the client's browser - I write in Perl and my external 
style sheet is actually a Perl programme that can be fed parameters, 
like what browser you are dealing with, etc.

Hope this helps; if you want nitty gritty details of this, please feel 
free to contact me either on or off list.



Matthew Smith            | Business:
IT Consultant            | PGP Key:
Kadina, South Australia  | * Tivis Project * Community Connect *

Received on Saturday, 16 November 2002 05:12:17 UTC