[w3c-wai-ig] <none>

Hi, all!

I just had this exchange with my webmaster, who is trying to make my under-development site accessible:
I said:
"- all links that are live need to be the standard blue and underlined,
> > going to the usual color (can't remember what that is at the moment)
when clicked"
He asked:
> >"Is this an accessibility thing? I'm using the hover tags from CSS to
> get the menus to change colors during selection process. The drawback is
> that the underscoring disappears on regular text until the mouse appears
> over it. Any suggestions?"

The site is at www.accessall.net/work/ Can any of you suggest what to do or who else to ask? This is 'way beyond my expertise.

Thanks for whatever help you can give.


Audrey J. Gorman
Access for All
Naperville, IL, USA

Mobile: 630-661-9062
Office: 630-717-7336
Log onto www.assistivetechnologies.com, click on library stuff!
"The power of the Web is in its universality. 
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect"
Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the WWW

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2002 15:33:14 UTC