- From: Phill Jenkins <pjenkins@us.ibm.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:01:08 -0600
- To: w3c-wai-ig@w3.org
Seems that the same term "accessible" is being used in different contexts, but meaning different things. I think in some discussions the term "accessible" should be omitted, then more effective communication can take place. Here's four examples: 1. PDFs are accessible with WindowEyes, JAWs, ZoomText, HPR etc. could really mean that WindowEyes, JAWS, ZoomText, renders PDF to users, or that WindowEyes, etc. supports the PDF format by rendering it to users, or that HPR automatically converts the PDF format to HTML and renders it to users, etc. 2. PDF is accessible. could really mean that PDF can be marked-up for complete rendering by ATs, or that the PDF wasn't complex enough and could be easily be converted and/or rendered by ATs or that an equivalent alternative to PDF was made available, 3. PDF is not accessible. could really mean one or more of the following: - that the PDF was complex enough to require that it be marked-up for complete rendering by ATs, but wasn't. - that the PDF was marked-up, but that the AT a. wasn't capable of supporting [wasn't currently designed to support] the PDF format, or b. wasn't available on that platform, or c. wasn't at the updated/correct level to support the PDF format, or e. wasn't available or affordable to the end user. Note: a through e are not related to the user's disability, but the capability, availability, or affordability of the AT and/or the file format.. 4. PDF is accessible. could really mean one or more of the following: - that PDF is easily rendered by free acrobat reader on many/most platforms. - that the PDF was available via the Internet address and the server was up and running. Try the exercise of replacing the term PDF with HTML and see what you learn. Try again with FLASH, or SMIL, or any other format name - I did. Let's all try, when talking about accessibility, to not use the term "accessible" in the definition. I think it is OK to use "accessibility" as an adjective when referring to things like 1. accessibility markup standard 2. accessibility department of an organization 3. accessibility legislations or regulations 4. accessibility tools/software etc. Regards, Phill Jenkins IBM Research Division - Accessibility Center http://www.ibm.com/able
Received on Monday, 28 October 2002 15:01:43 UTC