
Tina Marie Holmboe wrote:

>On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 11:46:26AM -0400, Phill Jenkins wrote:
>>1. If the business provides a telephone service for the same discounted
>>on-line tickets, does that allow them to not meet the web accessibility
>>standard? Is it about meeting a standard or about accommodation or both?
>  Even further: is the same discounted tickets available to those forced
>  not to use the web *without any further proof* ? Remember, the tickets
>  available *online* is available with a discount simply by virtue of being
>  available online.
>  If a user is prevented from using the online service - ie. not unable to
>  due to lack of computer, but prevented for lack of correct code - then
>  the tickets need be available on the phone at the same discount without
>  said user having to prove that this is the case.

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 15:07:19 UTC