Re: Judgment in the SouthWest case.

When I sent the notice of the ruling to a colleague of mine who works for 
the local regional disabilities agency, she replied:

 >>>Clearly she did not understand the concept of "public 
accommodation."  In explanatory language by DREDF (Disability Rights 
Education and Defense Fund) when it published its Implementation Guide to 
use as text for original ADA training when the Act was passed, a public 
accommodation can be a single person.

      "It is the public accommodation (that is, private entity which owns, 
operates,     leases or leases to), rather than the place of public 
accommodation, that is subject to the non-discrimination requirements. A 
private entity may be an individual person as well as a company, business, 
or other entity." [emphasis added]

There is no question that a covered entity would have to make its site 
accessible, in fact, in a US Dept. of Justice "core letter" to Senator Tom 
Harkin, Deval Patrick, Assistant Attorney General,  Civil Rights Division, 
specifically stated, "Covered entities that use the Internet for 
communications regarding their programs, goods, or services must be 
prepared to offer those communications through accessible means as 
well."  And that was in 1996!! [text at 
] <<<

Terry Brainerd Chadwick, InfoQuest! Information Services
Making existing websites more productive.
Website Optimization for Accessibility, Content, Search & Usability

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 13:49:13 UTC