RE: Judgment in the SouthWest case.

>>> Guess we need to start writing congress to amend ADA to include
>>>any Website which is owned by a business in the United States must be
>>>accessible to those with disabilities.

so we can all go work abroad when the companies move? how hard will it be for any company to open a separate entity abroad to "own" the web site. hard for the all the little guys that this will put out of business, peanuts for the like of southwest airlines.

accessible web sites are good business and good *for* business, but making it mandatory under US federal law is a ridiculous idea. if the US govt wants to make it mandatory under section 508 for govt. accessibility that's their concern, I for one would stand hard against making this a regulatory requirement for business. acceptable and accessible alternatives are all that's needed, and businesses that choose not to do so are losing money by not serving that section of the population, let that be their punishment.

what comes next? requiring human translated web content so Welsh speakers can buy tickets in their native language? it's not about making things easy, it's about making them accessible.

as an example, making text accessible to braille readers is great, I hope all my pages will one day conform to this standard. in the meantime, making sure that someone is available on the phone ready to read the page to them will suffice, we don't need more laws to deal with this.


Received on Tuesday, 22 October 2002 14:21:38 UTC