RE: Pop-Ups

Thank you Joel, yes that's exactly what I was trying to say.  I'm glad at
least one other person didn't think I was totally crazy for suggesting it,
and got at the general purpose for my message in the first place.  I feel a
little better now, even if everyone else still disagrees.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Ward []
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 10:36 AM
To: WAI List
Subject: Re: Pop-Ups

<quote from="Phill">
But, and it's a key concept, Pop-up's can be usable by individuals with
disabilities within certain constraints and configurations.  Same with

I second this idea.  They keyword is constraints.

Sometimes we make applications or web sites for a certain audience and we
can assure that audience will have certain technologies available.  Why
can't we use some of the more powerful features of this medium?  I think we
should work to make those features accessible instead of accepting the
status quo.

I think that is what Kimberly was going at.  (Am I right?)

I also believe that we should use these "powerful" features only when
necessary, and avoid them if we really do not need them.

Received on Friday, 18 October 2002 11:56:36 UTC