Re: Accessibility changes to Movable Type 2.5

>Movable Type, used by many thousands of Weblogs, is more accessible in its 
>new release. As more and more people upgrade, more and more sites will benefit.

Good news indeed.

I had a quick look through the information curretly on the
MT website. I saw something in the styles section where the
used styles sheets are presented. I haven't checked if these
are the same stylesheets as shipped with MT2.5, but they
might/will cause accessibility problems for users with non
windows-stardard fore- and background colors. For the body
only the backgroundcolor is specified as white, but only
some and not all other elements have their foreground color set.
This can (and most probably cause) non contrasting or even white
on white text.

I don't knwo where the idea that a lot of people start with
specifying the background as white, whilst not specifying any
of the other colors, especially because the befault background
color of the author is already white (else he would have noticed
the problem)?


Received on Sunday, 13 October 2002 08:04:43 UTC