Re: search form and label element

At 02:20 PM 07/26/2002, Donna wrote:
>How can I add a label to the form below to satisfy the label element 
>requirement and without changing the function of the form and affecting 
>its interaction with the Atomz search process?
>Explicitly associate form controls and their labels with the LABEL 
>element. (1 instance)
><form method="get" action="">
><input size=15 name="squiggy" accesskey="s" value="keyword">
><input type=submit value="Search" name="submit22">
><input type=hidden name="squiggy" value="sq398583">

As long as you don't change:
* Any of the FORM attributes
* The name and value attributes of the INPUT tags

Nothing you do with adding a LABEL should affect the Atomz 
functionality.  You can also reference the search box on my (sigh, defunct) 
Star Trek fan site as an example; it's an Atomz 
search.  (

Bill Mason
Accessible Internet

Received on Friday, 26 July 2002 20:46:29 UTC