Re: onfocus-onmouseover xhtml

> anyone aware why onfocus belongs to <a> yet onmouseover is <img>?

onfocus didn't belong to <a> in draft versions of HTML 4.01; it might have
been added at the last minute.

onmouseover does belong to <a> in the same draft; it is listed in the
%events; entity.

onfocus belongs to controls because the Windows concept of focus relates
to their ability to accept input.

onmouseover is probably used for images because they are not controls, and
because it is relates to a specific visual mode of access, which the standard
Windows 9x user interface model considers not to create focus, although the
standard model for some X window managers do consider it to create a level
of focus, although possibly only at the window, not the control, level.

The CSS equivalent of onmouseover, :hover, certainly works on <a> elements.

Received on Saturday, 29 June 2002 04:34:34 UTC