Re: Standards Compliant = No support for NN4?

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 12:08:49PM +0100, Jon Hanna wrote:

> >   I can assure you that server-side browser sniffing is tempting, but not
> >   an option I'd suggest for anyone wanting to save their sanity ;)
> Depends on how far you want to go for it. If you have only 1 UA specific
> choice (i.e. you have some CSS for all, some CSS not to send NN4, and maybe
> some CSS to only send NN4) you can code it in something like ASP in 5
> minutes and still have time to add in some intelligent cache-related
> headers.

  I refer the honorable gentleman to

  which details a slightly off-the-beaten-path experiment that we have been
  doing for some time now. The conclusion is still inconclusive, BUT: it
  did turn out that some potential accessibility[1] issues could be solved
  this way.

  It is still a technique I would be *very hesitant* in suggesting to
  anyone, even with a sub-problem defined as "one target UA". For a more
  generic situation, the implementation is far more extensive than 5 minutes
  with any method. For ASP/VBscript I'd go so far as to say it would take
  prohibetively long time. ASP/PerlScript, perhaps. I'll stick with CGI :)

  I mean 'accessibility' in the broadest sense, now; ie. specifically
  avoiding valid techniques that give invalid results in a wider range of
  browsers than Netscape's 4-series. An argument could be made for NOT using
  said valid techniques, but that's when that old proof regarding the
  impossibility of making a non-trivial program without errors spring to

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2002 07:30:31 UTC