Another Important Note re:Usability / Accessibility Testing

It is true that:
Each Usability/Accessibility Tester or Test Developer may follow a
different process or require a different feature set in the solution
that they choose.

It is common:
That one solution will not cover every possible method or preferred
process of a Usability/Accessibility Tester or Test Developer

With this in Mind:
HiSoftware delivers solutions with "Open Api's" that allow for Extension
and customization of our solutions. As you look at these solutions to
see if it has what you need or if it will integrate with your current
solution to add Value you need to have some vision as to where do you
want to go with your testing solution.

You have a Web Site and want to test for the W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1-3
guidelines. Upon Completion of that test you want to run a Usability
test on the clarity and structure of a Web Site. And when you are done
you want to publish the results to EARL, which will then be Read by your
content management system (Let's say Microsoft Content Management Server
or Sharepoint Portal Server) to step it to the Promotion process so it
can be published on the Web.

With HiSoftware Solutions you "Can" Do this and this can be accomplished
because Every Object Required to wrap up this functionality is
available. While no one company can consider every possible way an
organization may work, it can provide the tools and capabilities to
allow there solution to be integrated into their customers current
content creation, management, and/or publishing system.


Received on Thursday, 13 June 2002 08:08:02 UTC