Re: Testing web page accessibility by phone


User agent is a factor to consider.  Another way to look at the
accessibility testing of a web page is to see the combination of person,
the user agent and the access technology as a single entity which is
being tested.


> I wonder how much of this depends on the user agent, by which I mean the
> combination of the web browser and screen reader.  As a specific example,
> ever since JAWS for Windows discovered how to grab headings (*real* headings
> with numbers, not just over-sized type that web designers like to pretend
> are headings) and present them in a list with the ability to move
> immediately to a heading, I have suddenly become very enthusiastic about
> proper use of headings to mark off important section divisions in a web
> page.  Prior to the heading support, I have to confess that headings didn't
> do much for me because they were essentially indistinguishable from other
> stuff on the page.  It makes a big difference, to me anyway, if you can gain
> some sort of hierarchical view of a web page rather than just the classic
> never-ending linear version.
> In summary, how a web page "stacks up" may be surprisingly dependent on the
> browser/screen reader used to view it.  Just my two cents, and hopefully not
> too far off the mark.
> Regards,
> Jerry

Received on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 20:53:04 UTC