Re: compliance and layout tables revisited

On Saturday 11 May 2002 19:29, Phill Jenkins wrote:
|  Whether we use CSS or tables for layout is *not* the point - it's that it
|  linearizes correctly!  Same concept as correct or logical tab order.  As
|  you read a page, you want it to be read in a logical order.

There are some pages which do not have "logical order"
Just think of newspaper,say, with 7 columns, mixed with illustrations, etc.
As an example - Financial Times.
 What is the logical order ofr reading this page?..
I prefer interantional business news, someone - local. Thrid person can go 
directly to politics.
Same (if not more!) is valid for web sites.

|  Adding DIV's in a confusing order and putting in layout CSS is just as
|  confusing as bad layout tables.    Both require the author and or tool to


|  consider how the page will be rendered in a serial fashion, not just the 2
|  d visual rendering in a graphical browser.

Problem is that tables aew usually combined with 1px-size transparent gifs.
As an example - many web sites developed by IBM :-)
And it's rare to see <p class=""></p> with 1px-gif background.
You can use CSS in a wrong way (CSS is, for sure, rather limited 
layout/presentation system) but most people ALWAYS use tables in a wrong way!
That's the point.

|  Regards,
|  Phill Jenkins
|  IBM Research Division - Accessibility Center


Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
KDE mini-Themes

Received on Monday, 13 May 2002 02:30:21 UTC