Re: Something else interesting from the BBC (Betsie)

At 08:00 AM 4/29/2002, Martin McCormick wrote:
>         Now, for the big question.  How did they do that?  If
>some nice man or woman in London sits there and reworks the
>standard BBC site all day long, this is heroic and to be
>commended, but it's not portable.
>         If it is done automatically and the betsie site is
>low to no-maintenance, this is definitely a way to gain access.
Hi Martin,

Betsie is an automated page conversion system for most BBC Web content. It 
has been discussed from time to time on this list. For a discussion of some 
of the challenges and fixes, see the list archives for Jan-March, 2001 (Jan 
29 being the key day, or look for the "Betsie" thread).


Received on Monday, 29 April 2002 13:10:31 UTC