FW: Real-time captions in streaming media

Andrew - just received your response and noticed the reply I sent a little time
ago had bounced for some reason. As you will see I have made similar comments
to yours - but there are a couple of additional links people may still want to
check out.


-----Original Message-----
From: Denise Wood
To: 'charles@w3.org'
Cc: 'joeclark@joeclark.org'; 'w3c-wai-ig@w3.org'
Sent: 4/26/2002 1:17 AM
Subject: RE: Real-time captions in streaming media

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles McCathieNevile [mailto:charles@w3.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 11:30 PM
To: Denise Wood
Cc: 'joeclark@joeclark.org'; 'w3c-wai-ig@w3.org'
Subject: RE: Real-time captions in streaming media

I am not sure that Magpie does allow you to caption things that are
live, which I think is what Joe is saying.
i.e. how do you caption a webcast live?

Thanks for clarifying that Charles

Magpie is used to create captions from prepared text which is
synchronized using digitized video files.
Captioning live webcasts is much more problematic. It can be done but
requires the services of a steno reporter as well as the appropriate
hardware and software 
(check out http://www.cpcweb.com/Captioning/cap_software_realtime.htm
for more detail).

However, probably easiest to use an existing specialist service. There
are several around but I have no personal experience using these types
of service providers:

I believe Trace Centre ran a trial of captioning a live event (SC99
conference) and there was talk at that time of continuing work in this
area but have not heard any more about this. Perhaps someone else may
know whether Trace progressed this any further?


Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 11:55:25 UTC