RE: Constructing Accessible Web Sites

Hi Jim et al,

Due to Amazon's lack of foresight, the largest number you can enter is 9999.
So I took your advice and just ordered hundreds.

Seriously, I ordered **one** and can't wait to receive it.  With that amount
of talent on board, it's sure to be just what we're looking for!


Jim Tobias, President
Inclusive Technologies
732.441.0831 v/tty

  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On
Behalf Of Jim Thatcher
  Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 7:15 PM
  Subject: RE: Learning About Web Accessibility

  Hi Suzzane.

  I can't resist! Constructing Accessible Web Sites, by myself, Paul Bohman
(of WebAIM), Mike Burks, Shawn Henry, Bob Regan, Sarah Swierenga, Mark Urban
and Cynthia Waddell was published today and is available at Amazon:! I
recommend it. It's a good book! Buy hundreds.

  Accessibility Consulting
    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
Behalf Of Suzanne Nikolaisen
    Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 12:03 PM
    Subject: Learning About Web Accessibility

    Hi everybody! I was wondering if you could give me some input about
learning about web accessibility. I'm a web designer and my interest was
peaked when I read an article a couple of years ago about the ADA and
website accessibility. I've heard about the User Experience and Human
Factors, and worked on an Intranet for a User Experience group, but
currently I can't jump into a university program to learn all about it.
However, I can teach myself.

    Every time I try to make an accessible page, it looks like I've just
made my first web page. I don't have any mentors to ask questions of or
glean knowledge from about accessible web design. I don't know how to test
my pages acurately. Does Bobby cover it all? I need to learn how to build
web pages so they are professional and accessible.

    Could any of you share links to tutorials, books or accessible design
forums? I would really appreciate it. I have the book "Designing Web
Usability: The Practice of Simplicity" and I've been unsure of what books to
buy next. I'd like to make some friends with other designers trying to do
the same thing. Also, Utah does not appear to be the happenin' place for
getting an internship to work with accessibility. Any suggestions for job
options in Utah (or telecommuting) for newbies? Where to find UED labs or
groups working on accessibility? I want to learn about this and it would
seem more productive if I worked with it day to day, I would learn much

    Sorry if I've tripped all over myself about the terminology, and
politically correct stuff, but I'm trying. Thanks for your help! It was good
to see some of the same names still subscribed to this WAI mailing list!

    Bright regards,

    Suzanne Nikolaisen

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Received on Friday, 12 April 2002 06:10:03 UTC