Re: Disability statistics

Well, the IG doesn't have a mechanism that I know of for making a summary.
Anyone is free to try and offer one, and we can see what nobody disagrees
with, the point the EO group to what's left, as well as the discussion
threads here. But my personal feeling is that it would be more useful for
each person with comments to make them directly to the working group.



On Sun, 16 Dec 2001, Denise Wood wrote:

  >By the way, the WAI Education and Outreach group has
  been working for some time on a document about the business case for
  accessibility - I hope people who have
  been discussing this topic here can take a moment to read the draft of that
  and send comments to the working group who are editing it.

  Thanks for reminding us about this working document Charles. You are right -
  it would be good to return to this lively discussion after everyone has had
  time to read the document. I am sure there will be even greater debate then -
  based on the specifics contained in the draft.

  It would be good to follow-up with comments to the working group. May be some
  of the comments made through this forum could be captured in summary form and
  sent to the working group. What do others think?

Received on Wednesday, 26 December 2001 23:46:26 UTC