Re: Degrading Gracefully and Browser Testing Suites

On Tuesday 25 December 2001 02:08, Kynn Bartlett wrote:
|   At 5:00 PM -0500 12/24/01, Seth Rothberg wrote:
|   >1. You ask how much work is needed to learn what degrading gracefully
|   > means. My answer is that it takes a little time and not much work. Do
|   > what every web page creator has been encouraged to do from day one:
|   > look at your page in multiple browsers and multiple versions of a given
|   > browser. Do you want to know what a linearized table looks like? Look
|   > at it in a browser that doesn't support tables.
|   Seth, to play devil's advocate here, and I know that your answers were
|   off the cuff anyway, but...
|   What suite of browsers would YOU recommend for testing, and on what
|   platforms?
|   Some of you may know that I'm working on a book on CSS (Teach
|   Yourself Cascading Style Sheets in 24 Hours from SAMS).  I sat down
|   to figure out what kind of testing I needed to do, as my goal is
|   (was?) to test out my examples on all reasonable browsers.  So I
|   started making a list.

Kynn, that's why you should use my browser detection code, and not userAgent!
Believe me, I tested a lot of sites, and browser detection via 
userAgent/platform really sucks!

|   It started like this:
|   <testing>
|      <browser name="Netscape">
|        <version number="4.X"/>
|        <version number="6.X"/>
|      </browser>
|      <browser name="IE">
|        <version number="5.5"/>
|      </browser>
|      <browser name="Opera">
|        <version number="5"/>
|      </browser>
|   </testing>
|   Four browsers, pretty simple.  Not simple at all.  Thinking about
|   it further led to something like this:
|   You'll notice I'm completely leaving out anything having to do with
|   Windows CE, Palm, Solaris, BeOS, DOS, or other operating systems,
|   as well as not covering nearly every possible option.  Which means
|   the above list is not complete either!
|   Now let's include screenreaders in the mix, as well as browsers with
|   integrated screenreaders, like Home Page Reader!
|   On second thought, let's not.
|   You'll note that for this excerise, I'm _only_ talking about CSS
|   support.  I'm not even touching JavaScript or HTML 4.01 support or
|   anything else, just those browsers which may be impacted by the
|   use of CSS.
|   So, what do you guys think?  Where should the line be drawn?

detect DOM (doc.all, getElementById, etc.), than act accordingly
|   --Kynn


Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
KDE mini-Themes

Received on Tuesday, 25 December 2001 03:41:23 UTC