Re: Nov 30th: The Adobe SVG Viewer is now available on Linux

On Saturday 08 December 2001 15:52, jonathan chetwynd wrote:
|   installed very easily.
|   does anyone have a list of hot or cool svg images/scripts to try out?
|   adobe for instance? macromedia do such an excellent job of making it easy
| to find what authors are currently doing....

This page has some interesting examples:

Anyway, if you have CorelDraw10 - you can export any drawing as SVG, and 
check (render) it in your browser.
And I have to disappoint you here: I found quality of Adobe 3.0 SVG plugin as 
very low. It can't handle gradients in SVG files exported from CorelDraw.
To proove this fact, I attach very simple SVG example (exported from 
CorelDraw, just one polygon with gradient filling)

code of that testcase is very short, and I even can include it inline below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20000303 Stylable//EN" 
<!-- Creator: CorelDRAW -->
<svg xml:space="preserve" x="-3.45135in" y="-2.86333in" width="2.24742in" 
height="2.09192in" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; 
text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality"
     viewBox="-3451 0 2247 2092">
 <g id="____ 1">
   <linearGradient id="id0" x1="-3419" y1="1049" x2="-1237" y2="1049">
    <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#0093DD"/>
    <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/>
  <path id="33809172" style="fill:url(#id0);stroke:#29166F;stroke-width:56" 
d="M-2328 34l546 387 545 388 -208 628 -208 627 -675 0 -674 0 -208 -627 -209 
-628 546 -388 545 -387z"/>

P.S. Adobe SVG plugin is also quite slow. It took more than 10sec, probably 
even close to 20sec. to render 1MB SVG file.
And this make me thinking that we need to ask Corel to develop 
Netscape/Mozilla plugin for SVG. Original vector drawing was opening in 
CorelDraw in around 2 sec.
Does somebody know if Corel is working on this [SVG Plugin]?

Best Regards,

Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
KDE mini-Themes

Received on Saturday, 8 December 2001 12:08:17 UTC