Re: FW: aligning figures in a data table

> If my figures have differing numbers of decimal points e.g 35.67% and
> 99.99999% then aligning right will not produce the desired result. I have

I'd question the accuracy of the second figure or suggest you use a log
scale on 1 - the variable!  Non-percentage data with a large dynamic
range is probably better in scientific notation.

> tried <td align="char" char="."> but this doesn't seem to work (IE 5.5). All

Looks correct according to the standard (4.01 PR I'm afraid); however this
is duplicated by functionality in CSS2 (PDF of released version this time).
I can't quickly get to IE to check this (only have NS 4.51 and an early
Konqueror to hand).

> references that I can find quote this usage as correct. Has anybody any
> ideas?

Note that character alignment, and the char and charoff attributes
are not required to be supported by a conforming HTML 4.01 (PR) browser
and that it not clear to me how charoff should be defaulted when not all
rows in the column have the same attributes.  The CSS2 description is
much more clear, and doesn't have a charoff parameter.  It is also much
better defined as to the fallback when the capability is not implemented.

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 20:13:31 UTC