Re: mugshots

At 3:55 PM +1300 2001/11/05, Rebecca Cox wrote:
>I'm making a page about a group of people, with small photos of each 
>person, and wondering if it would be appropriate to try to give as 
>alt text / longdesc, something equivalent to the information you 
>would get about each person, from looking at the photos. ie age, 
>ethnicity, style of dress etc (being polite of course!)
>What do people think about this?

What's the purpose?  That's the main thing you have to ask yourself;
what's the ultimate goal of those images?

(If the point is visual identification, and you're concerned about
people with visual impairments, the extra information might not be
that useful.  E.g., "This is so if you meet them in the hall, you know
who you're meeting."  If the point is "putting a friendly face" like
is done by realtors in ads, then you will get farther with just links
to friendly pages with personal info.  Etc.)


Kynn Bartlett <>

Received on Monday, 5 November 2001 00:22:11 UTC