RE: Section 508

Your comments are appreciated and I can understand why you would not wish to
engage in legal debate via such a public forum.
However, just one point for clarification. Are you referring only to the US
situation or suggesting that Section 508 has implications for international
institutions as well. I understand that may be the case if an international
university provides external courses to students in the United States but in
your opinion does the regulation have any impact beyond that? 
From my point of view the real issue is that we should be adopting these
principles regardless and certainly in Australia we are required to comply with
the Disability Discrimination Act in the same way that US Universities must
comply with the ADA. However, it is still important to have an appreciation of
the full implications of Section 508 and how it applies to international


Dr Denise L Wood 
Lecturer: Professional Development (online teaching and learning) 
University of South Australia 
CE Campus, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000 
Ph:    (61 8) 8302 2172 / (61 8) 8302 4472 (Tuesdays & Thursdays) 
Fax:  (61 8) 8302 2363 / (61 8) 8302 4390 
Mob: (0413 648 260) 


-----Original Message-----
From: Cynthia Waddell []
Sent: Sunday, 21 October 2001 6:30 AM
Subject: RE: Section 508

Dear Professor Daya:
Since the W3C list is an international list and many members would not
appreciate a legal discussion on how Section 508 indirectly impacts American
State Universities, please feel free to email me off list as this is a legal
question.  However, for those who have commented that Section 508 applies only
to federal agencies, I must say that this is not true.  An understanding of
U.S. disability rights law and how other federal and state laws cause Section
508 to be applicable is a discussion that will need to be held off-list.
Best regards,
Cynthia Waddell

Cynthia D. Waddell, JD
Sr. Consultant
Accessibility Subject Matter Expert
Accessibility Center of Excellence
(800)547-5602 or Fax (919)783-6852

ACE Offices are located at San Jose, CA, Sacramento, CA and Raleigh, NC USA

San Jose Office:
PO BOX 5456
San Jose, California USA 95150-5456

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 4:08 PM
Subject: Section 508

I work at a State University. We had a discussion today whereby our IT dept.
said that Sec. 508 does not apply to faculty creating web based class notes.
They felt it only applied to a researcher that received a federal grant. I have
always thought that all State Institutions were obligated by now to comply
(since they are inevitably tied to federal resources), "unless they could prove
undue burden"
Would appreciate any info and references.
Thank you.

Asif Daya
Assistant Professor
College of Health Professions
Florida Gulf Coast University
(941) 590-7535

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2001 00:52:28 UTC