RE: how to use thead and tbody

I'm glad this came up. I have a couple of other questions:

How should I mark up an 'empty' table head element - a table were there
is no header - as is sometimes the case with the top left-hand cell?

Is it ok to include   in empty cells?

If anyone has the time to check this page and let me know if it looks ok
(I fear I might have followed the W3C exapmle too literally) I would
really appreciate it. (BTW I know I am not allowed the border color in
the table, I'm still trying to make this work in CSS):

I hope you will forgive me for asking what seem like trivial questions
at a time of such crisis and sadness for many of you.

Thanks in anticipation
Jamie Mackay

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2001 18:46:54 UTC