Peepo site

I had a play with it again. It is starting to make sense, with the audio
clarifying some of what is going on. (Could you add a musical backing to the
word "music" ?) I realise that it is a development project, but I was sorry
to see that the keyboard navigability had gone again.

Nice ideas. It is a shame that multimedia doesn't work in a more standard way
at the moment.



On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:

  bob wrote:
      interesting, but it wasn't very "intuitive"
      I phuzzed around with it but if I were actually looking for something
      particular I'm not sure I would have been able to find it easily

  I do hope yahoo or someone else might be able to cover this problem...

  thanks for your encouragement

  jonathan chetwynd
  IT teacher (LDD)         "The first and still the best picture directory
  on the web"

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Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2001 15:09:51 UTC