Re: Mike Paciello excellent webcast

Lynx does "do" Real Player if configured, it is just that the default
configuration is not to do it. As a user of a browser you have some
obligation to deal with technology. I am not sure that Real Player in
particular is something you should have to have, but there are some kinds of
content that really don't work well in text and if it is possible you should
try to use another more appropriate medium.

To connect a file type to a particular application most browsers have a
concept of a helper application. On lynx the file that does this mapping
describes its own format internally and is fairly simple. On most macintosh
systems this is an option that can be set globally via internet configuration
options, or many browsers will allow you to bypass this and set per-browser
options. I am not sure how it is handled in windows.

For many people, Real Player provides much better access than a transcript of
an audio-visual presentation could ever do. Real Player is just software, but
the content it renders may be a lot more access than candy.


On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Access Systems wrote:

  LYNX does not do "Real PLayer"

  which is what I'm trying to say

  "Real Player"

  is not access,  just web candy

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2001 11:06:45 UTC