RE: Beta testers wanted

	If you want anyone to take AOL seriously about it's  being "committed to
continuing to build more accessibility into America Online and its products
and services"  you are going to have to do much better than what you are
doing.  The beta testers that you are hoping to draw upon and glean from,
are the very one's that AOL has left out in the cold, for so long.  Why
should they give you  their time for free, when they can work with
organizations that are truly committed.  I don't think I would be alone in
saying that this "offer" is particularly
insulting..................................................this is why your
other posts have been basically ignored.  Personally, perhaps you are
commited......................if that is true, convince your bosses to hire
some folks who really know the score with a well respected (in the disablity
community) reputation, and take their advice..............
AOL has a VERY long way to

Katie Haritos-Shea
11809 Waples Mill Road
Oakton, Virginia  22124-2113

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Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2001 10:12:50 UTC