Re: Interactive elements and accessibility

>   accessibility is concerned. However we do make considerable use of text
>   entry interactions and multiple selection interactions. (Multiple selection
>   is where the user must tick some of many check boxes to get the correct

I would suggest that using select elements is the best way to go as all
the options must be adjacent in the source, making it easier for a tool
to present the whole "picture" to the user.  (Lynx can be configured to
display this like a set of adjacent radio buttons.)

The thing that you probably shouldn't do is to put radio buttons from one
question in successive rows of one column of a table and from another
in the next column.  That makes structure subservient to presentation
and requires a higher level of semantic awareness from the assistive
technology, in order to de-interleave the lists.  I.E. if you use radio
buttons, do all for one question before any other question in the linear
reading order of the source HTML.

Received on Sunday, 29 July 2001 09:42:49 UTC