WAI - Documentation and Procedures

Hi all:

I feel that I'm hitting a new level of learning with Section 508.  My knowledge seems to be many of the workshops that are offered by the agency where I work. I know how to make a site accessible on my own.  However, now I need to create a requirements document for the programmers who manage our site. Almost like the W3C/508 checklists, indicating exactly what must be overhauled and where (proper tagging, etc.).  

I have never created such a document.  Has anyone done this?  Are there examples on the web I might download? As always, your suggestions are always appreciated and insightful!

Brooke Dine
Information Specialist
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Bethesda, MD 20894

Received on Tuesday, 10 July 2001 14:53:08 UTC