How accessible is Netscape?

The task of getting any web page to behave consistently across browsers is incredibly difficult already, as all the web designers and developers on the list are well aware. What does accessibility add to the equation? This issue came up in terms of testing for 508 compliance. How much should we focus on Netscape?

Many of our customers use Netscape exclusively, and we were wondering if those customers (many of which are government agencies, universities, etc.) will be able to meet accessibility guidelines if they use only Netscape. The greater question: will their users be able to choose the technology that best suits them (which just might be IE for certain users, correct?), regardless of the agency's purchasing agreements?

I have not had much luck finding out any information on Netscape's web site. Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.

martha | 919.531.1416

Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2001 13:59:10 UTC