Re: Transparency and linked objects was Re: javascript dhtml and browser variations

I don't claim it is an easy problem, but seek a consensus on who might
implement it.

For non readers, the possibility of moving links around in a graphical
'document' is an important means of creating a web page, and identifying
topics of interest and their relation.

It may well be possible to do this via svg, and or image maps, but these are
both cumbersome for this task.
do jpeg's offer transparency? I understood not, I am  not aware of an

I am not an expert and that is partly why i joined this group.

The screen buffer would tell one the current colour, and this can be
compared with the 'transparent colour' for a given object.
I would expect other users to find very many uses for this information,
colour pickers being the least of them.

jonathan chetwynd
IT teacher (LDD)         "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web"

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 11:10:25 UTC