CSS - font-size

For a few months I've been attempting to learn the ins and outs of 
font-sizes as applied to style sheets; which of the relative types work 
best for most browsers, what looks good, which offer most control...

I've still not come to any conclusions.  (I'm perplexed that some web 
designers are still using absolute point sizes on their "accessible" web 
pages.  I'm leaning towards being a purist, so I don't understand 
that.  Don't mean to sound like a 'snob'  - I feel as if  I'm still very 
much in the learning stages, and would just genuinely like to understand.)

I've written style sheets that do not declare a font-size in the body 
element, thereby, bringing in the default 'medium' (as understand it does), 
then going to percentages, or using the relative 'smaller', 'larger'.  I've 
tried pixels.  But I'm getting the impression pixels are not the way to 
go.  But, I don't know why.

Is there a 'best' technique?

If not best, is it okay (for accesssibility and CSS1 standards) to mix 
percentages and the relative '"smaller" etc., in one style sheet?
It was suggested by one expert that I use an absolute font size in the body 
element, then go to percentages and/or relatives such as smaller, larger.

I'd be grateful for your thoughts, suggestions...


Laurie Davis-Covin
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Received on Monday, 26 March 2001 08:25:56 UTC